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4 July 2017

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 114 in Stretch cycle

Here's what happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday June 25 and Saturday July 1 2017: Upcoming and past events Our next IRC meeting is scheduled for July 6th at 17:00 UTC (agenda). Topics to be discussed include an update on our next Summit, a potential NMU campaign, a press release for buster, branding, etc. Toolchain development and fixes Packages fixed and bugs filed Ximin Luo uploaded dash, sensible-utils and xz-utils to the deferred uploads queue with a delay of 14 days. (We have had patches for these core packages for over a year now and the original maintainers seem inactive so Debian conventions allow for this.) Patches submitted upstream: Reviews of unreproducible packages 4 package reviews have been added, 4 have been updated and 35 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. One issue types has been updated: One issue type has been added: Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: diffoscope development Misc. This week's edition was written by Chris Lamb, Ximin Luo, Holger Levsen, Bernhard Wiedemann, Vagrant Cascadian & reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.

26 June 2017

Niels Thykier: debhelper 10.5.1 now available in unstable

Earlier today, I uploaded debhelper version 10.5.1 to unstable. The following are some highlights compared to version 10.2.5: There are also some changes to the upcoming compat 11
Filed under: Debhelper, Debian

22 April 2017

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo: Debian GNU/Linux port for RISC-V 64-bit (riscv64)

This is a post describing my involvement with the Debian GNU/Linux port for RISC-V (unofficial and not endorsed by Debian at the moment) and announcing the availability of the repository (still very much WIP) with packages built for this architecture. If not interested in the story but you want to check the repository, just jump to the bottom. Roots A while ago, mostly during 2014, I was involved in the Debian port for OpenRISC (or1k) about which I posted (by coincidence) exactly 2 years ago. The two of us working on the port stopped in August or September of that year, after knowing that the copyright of the code to add support for this architecture in GCC would not be assigned to the FSF, so it would never be added to GCC upstream unless the original authors changed their mind (which they didn't) or there was a clean-room reimplementation (which didn't happen so far). But a few other key things contributed to the decision to stop working on that port, which bear direct relationship to this story. One thing that particularly influenced me to stop working on it was a sense of lack of purpose, all things considered, for the OpenRISC port that we were working on. For example, these chips are sometimes used as part of bigger devices by Samsung to control or wake up other chips; but it was not clear whether there would ever be devices with OpenRISC as the main chip, specially in devices powerful enough to run Linux or similar kernels, and Debian on top. One can use FPGAs to synthesise OpenRISC or1k, but these are slow, and expensive when using lots of memory. Without prospects of having hardware easily available to users, there's not much point in having a whole Debian port ready to run on hardware that never comes to be. Yeah, sure, it's fun to create such a port, but it's tons of work to maintain and keep it up to-date forever, and with close to zero users it's very unrewarding. Another thing that contributed to decide to stop is that, at least in my opinion, 32-bit was not future-proof enough for general purpose computing, specially for new devices and ports starting to take off on that time and age. There was some incipient work to create another OpenRISC design for 64-bits, but it was still in an early phase. My secret hope and ultimate goal was to be able to run as much a free-ish computer as possible as my main system. Still today many people are buying and using 32-bit devices, like small boards; but very few use it as their main computer or servers for demanding workloads or complex services. So for me, even if feasible if one is very austere and dedicated, OpenRISC or1k failed that test. And lastly, another thing happened at the time... Enter RISC-V In August 2014, at the point when we were fully acknowledging the problem of upstreaming (or rather, lack thereof) the support for OpenRISC in GCC, RISC-V was announced to the world, bringing along papers with suggestive titles such as Instruction Sets Should Be Free: The Case For RISC-V (pdf) and articles like RISC-V: An Open Standard for SoCs - The case for an open ISA in EE Times. RISC-V (as the previous RISC-n marks) had been designed (or rather, was being designed, because it was and is an as yet unfinished standard) by people from UC Berkeley, including David Patterson, the pioneer of RISC computer designs and co-author of the seminal book Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach . Other very capable people are also also leading the project, doing the design and legwork to make it happen see the list of contributors. But, apart from throwing names, the project has many other merits. Similarly to OpenRISC, RISC-V is an open instruction set architecture (ISA), but with the advantage of being designed in more recent times (thus avoiding some mistakes and optimising for problems discovered more recently, as technology evolves); with more resources; with support for instruction widths of 32, 64 and even 128 bits; with a clean set of standard but optional extensions (atomics, float, double, quad, vector, ...); and with reserved space to add new extensions in ordered and compatible ways. In the view of some people in the OpenRISC community, this unexpected development in a way made irrelevant the ongoing update of OpenRISC for 64-bits, and from what I know and for better or worse, all efforts on that front stopped. Also interestingly (if nothing else, for my purposes of running as much a free system as possible), was that the people behind RISC-V had strong intentions to make it useful to create modern hardware, and were pushing heavily towards it from the beginning. And together with this announcement or soonly after, it came the promise of free-ish hardware in the form of the lowRISC project. Although still today it seems to be a long way from actually shipping hardware, at least there was some prospect of getting it some day. On top of all that, about the freedom aspect, both the Berkeley and lowRISC teams engaged since very early on with the free hardware community, including attending and presenting at OpenRISC events; and lowRISC intended to have as much free hardware as possible in their planned SoC. Starting to work on the Debian port, this time for RISC-V So in late 2014 I slowly started to prepare the Debian port, switching on and off. The Userland spec was frozen in 2014 just before the announcement, the Privilege one is still not frozen today, so there was no need to rush. There were plans to upstream the support in the toolchain for RISC-V (GNU binutils, glibc and GCC; Linux and other useful software like Qemu) in 2015, but sadly these did not materialise until late 2016 and 2017. One of the main reasons for the delay was due to the slowness to sort out the copyright assignment of the code to the FSF (again). Still today, only binutils and GCC are upstreamed, and Linux and glibc depend on the Privilege spec being finished, so it will take a while. After the experience with OpenRISC and the support in GCC, I didn't want to invest too much time, lest it all became another dead-end due to lack of upstreaming so I was just cross-compiling here and there, testing Qemu (which still today is very limited for this architecture, e.g. no network support and very limited character and block devices) and trying to find and report bugs in the implementations, and send patches (although I did not contribute much in the end). Incompatible changes in the toolchain In terms of compiling packages and building-up a repository, things were complicate, and less mature and stable than the OpenRISC ones were even back in 2014. In theory, with the Userland spec being frozen, regular programs (below the Operating System level) compiled at any time could have run today; but in practice what happened is that there were several rounds of profound or, at least, disrupting changes in the toolchain before and while being upstreamed, which made the binary packages that I had built to not work at all (changes in dynamic loader, registers where arguments are stored when jumping functions, etc.). These major breakages happened several times already, and kind of unexpectedly at least for the people not heavily involved in the implementation. When the different pieces are upstreamed it is expected that these breakages won't happen; but still there's at least the fundamental bit of glibc, which will probably change things once again in incompatible ways before or while being upstreamed. Outside Debian but within the FOSS / Linux world, the main project that I know of is that some people from Fedora also started a port in mid 2016 and did great advances, but from what I know they put the project in the freezer in late 2016 until all such problems are resolved they don't want to spend time rebootstrapping again and again. What happened recently on the Debian front In early 2016 I created the page for RISC-V in the Debian wiki, expecting that things were at last fully stable and the important bits of the toolchain upstreamed during that year I was too optimistic. Some other people (including Debian folks) have been contributing for a while, in the wiki, mailing lists and IRC channels, and in the RISC-V project mailing lists you will see their names everywhere. However, due to the combination of lack of hardware, software not upstreamed and shortcomings of emulators (chiefly Qemu) make contributions hard and very tedious, nothing much happened recently visible to the outside world in terms of software. The private repository-in-the-making In late 2015 and beginning of 2016, having some free time in my hands and expecting that all things would coalesce quickly, I started to build a repository of binary packages in a more systematic way, with most of the basic software that one can expect in a basic Debian system (including things common to all Linux systems, and also specific Debian software like dpkg or apt, and even aptitude!). After that I also built many others outside the basic system (more than 1000 source packages and 2000 or 3000 arch-dependent binary packages in total), specially popular libraries (e.g. boost, gtk+ version 2 and 3), interpreters (several versions of lua, perl and python, also version 2 and 3) and in general packages that are needed to build many other packages (like doxygen). Unfortunately, some of these most interesting packages do not compile cleanly (more because of obscure or silly errors than proper porting), so they are not included at the moment. I intentionally avoided trying to compile thousands of packages in the archive which would be of nobody's use at this point; but many more could be compiled without much effort. About the how, initially I started cross-compiling and using rebootstrap, which was of great help in the beginning. Some of the packages that I cross-compiled had bugs that I did not know how to debug without a live and native (within emulators) system, so I tried to switch to natively built packages very early on. For that I needed many packages built natively (like doxygen or cmake) which would be unnecessary if I remained cross-compiling the host tools would be used in that case. But this also forced me to eat my own dog food, which even if much slower and tedious, it was on the whole a more instructive experience; and above all, it helped to test and make sure that the the tools and the whole stack was working well enough to build hundreds of packages. Why the repository-in-the-making was private Until now I did not attempt to make the repository available on-line, for several reasons. First because it would be kind of useless to publish files that were not working or would soon not work, due to the incompatible changes in the toolchain, rendering many or most of the packages built useless. And because, for many months now, I expected that things would stabilise and to have something stable really soon now but this didn't happen yet. Second because of lack of resources and time since mid 2016, and because I got some packages only compiled thanks to (mostly small and unimportant, but undocumented and unsaved) hacks, often working around temporary bugs and thus not worth sending upstream; but I couldn't share the binaries without sharing the full source and fulfill licenses like the GNU GPL. I did a new round of clean rebuilds in the last few weeks, just finished, the result is close to 1000 arch-dependent packages. And third, because of lack of demand. This changed in the last few weeks, when other people started to ask me to share the results even if incomplete or not working properly (I had one request in the past, but couldn't oblige in time at the time). Finally, the work so far: repository now on-line So finally, with the great help from Kurt Keville from MIT, and Bytemark sponsoring a machine where most of the packages were built, here we have the repository: The lines for /etc/apt/sources.list are:
 deb [ arch=riscv64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg ] unstable main
 deb-src [ signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg ] unstable main
The repository is signed with my key as Debian Developer, contained in the file /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg, which is part of the package debian-keyring (available from Debian and derivatives). WARNING!! This repository, though, is very much WIP, incomplete (some package dependencies cannot be fulfilled, and it's only a small percentage of the Debian archive, not trying to be comprehensive at the moment) and probably does not work at all in your system at this point, for the following reasons: The combination of all these shortcomings is specially unfortunate, because without glibc provided it will be difficult that you can get the binaries to run at all; but there are some packages that are arch-dependent but not too tied to libc or the dynamic loader will not be affected. At least you can try one the few static packages present in Debian, like the one in the package bash-static. When one removes moving parts like the dynamic loader and libc, since the basic machine instructions are stable for several years now, it should work, but I wouldn't discard some dark magic that prevents even static binaries from working. Still, I hope that the respository in its current state is useful to some people, at least for those who requested it. If one has the environment set-up, it's easy to unpack the contents of the .deb files and try out the software (which often is not trivial or very slow to compile, or needs lots of dependencies to be built first first). ... and finally, even if not useful at all for most people at the moment, by doing this I also hope that efforts like this spark your interest to contribute to free software, free hardware, or both! :-)

29 November 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 83 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday November 20 and Saturday November 26 2016: Reproducible work in other projects Bugs filed Chris Lamb: Daniel Shahaf: Reiner Herrmann: Reviews of unreproducible packages 63 package reviews have been added, 73 have been updated and 41 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. 4 issue types have been added: Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, some FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: strip-nondeterminism development debrepatch development Continuous integration: Debian: Since the stretch freeze is getting closer, Holger made the following changes: Misc. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Holger Levsen & Chris Lamb and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC.

3 October 2016

Markus Koschany: My Free Software Activities in September 2016

Welcome to Here is my monthly report that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you re interested in Android, Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you. Debian Android Debian Games Debian Java Debian LTS This was my eight month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 12,25 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Rapha l Hertzog. In that time I did the following: Non-maintainer uploads Misc

15 June 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible builds: week 59 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between June 5th and June 11th 2016: Media coverage Ed Maste gave a talk at BSDCan 2016 on reproducible builds (slides, video). GSoC and Outreachy updates Weekly reports by our participants: Documentation update - Ximin Luo proposed a modification to our SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH spec explaining FORCE_SOURCE_DATE. Some upstream build tools (e.g. TeX, see below) have expressed a desire to control which cases of embedded timestamps should obey SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. They were not convinced by our arguments on why this is a bad idea, so we agreed on an environment variable FORCE_SOURCE_DATE for them to implement their desired behaviour - named generically, so that at least we can set it centrally. For more details, see the text just linked. However, we strongly urge most build tools not to use this, and instead obey SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH unconditionally in all cases. Toolchain fixes Packages fixed The following 16 packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build-dependencies: apertium-dan-nor apertium-swe-nor asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle blktrace canl-c code-saturne coinor-symphony dsc-statistics frobby libphp-jpgraph proxycheck pybit spip tircd xbs The following 5 packages are new in Debian and appear to be reproducible so far: golang-github-bowery-prompt golang-github-pkg-errors golang-gopkg-dancannon-gorethink.v2 libtask-kensho-perl sspace The following packages had older versions which were reproducible, and their latest versions are now reproducible again after being fixed: The following packages have become reproducible after being fixed: Some uploads have fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted that have not made their way to the archive yet: Package reviews 68 reviews have been added, 19 have been updated and 28 have been removed in this week. New and updated issues: 26 FTBFS bugs have been reported by Chris Lamb, 1 by Santiago Vila and 1 by Sascha Steinbiss. diffoscope development strip-nondeterminism development disorderfs development Misc. Steven Chamberlain submitted a patch to FreeBSD's makefs to allow reproducible builds of the kfreebsd installer. Ed Maste committed a patch to FreeBSD's binutils to enable determinstic archives by default in GNU ar. Helmut Grohne experimented with cross+native reproductions of dash with some success, using rebootstrap. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Chris Lamb, Holger Levsen, Mattia Rizzolo and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible builds folks on IRC.

1 February 2016

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 40 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort between January 24th and January 30th:

Media coverage Holger Levsen was interviewed by the FOSDEM team to introduce his talk on Sunday 31st.

Toolchain fixes Jonas Smedegaard uploaded d-shlibs/0.63 which makes the order of dependencies generated by d-devlibdeps stable accross locales. Original patch by Reiner Herrmann.

Packages fixed The following 53 packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: appstream-glib, aptitude, arbtt, btrfs-tools, cinnamon-settings-daemon, cppcheck, debian-security-support, easytag, gitit, gnash, gnome-control-center, gnome-keyring, gnome-shell, gnome-software, graphite2, gtk+2.0, gupnp, gvfs, gyp, hgview, htmlcxx, i3status, imms, irker, jmapviewer, katarakt, kmod, lastpass-cli, libaccounts-glib, libam7xxx, libldm, libopenobex, libsecret, linthesia, mate-session-manager, mpris-remote, network-manager, paprefs, php-opencloud, pisa, pyacidobasic, python-pymzml, python-pyscss, qtquick1-opensource-src, rdkit, ruby-rails-html-sanitizer, shellex, slony1-2, spacezero, spamprobe, sugar-toolkit-gtk3, tachyon, tgt. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them:
  • gnubg/1.05.000-4 by Russ Allbery.
  • grcompiler/4.2-6 by Hideki Yamane.
  • sdlgfx/2.0.25-5 fix by Felix Geyer, uploaded by Gianfranco Costamagna.
Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet:
  • #812876 on glib2.0 by Lunar: ensure that functions are sorted using the C locale when giotypefuncs.c is generated.

diffoscope development diffoscope 48 was released on January 26th. It fixes several issues introduced by the retrieval of extra symbols from Debian debug packages. It also restores compatibility with older versions of binutils which does not support readelf --decompress.

strip-nondeterminism development strip-nondeterminism 0.015-1 was uploaded on January 27th. It fixes handling of signed JAR files which are now going to be ignored to keep the signatures intact.

Package reviews 54 reviews have been removed, 36 added and 17 updated in the previous week. 30 new FTBFS bugs have been submitted by Chris Lamb, Michael Tautschnig, Mattia Rizzolo, Tobias Frost.

Misc. Alexander Couzens and Bryan Newbold have been busy fixing more issues in OpenWrt. Version 1.6.3 of FreeBSD's package manager pkg(8) now supports SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. Ross Karchner did a lightning talk about reproducible builds at his work place and shared the slides.

15 November 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 29 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Emmanuel Bourg uploaded eigenbase-resgen/ which uses of the scm-safe comment style by default to make them deterministic. Mattia Rizzolo started a new thread on debian-devel to ask a wider audience for issues about the -Wdate-time compile time flag. When enabled, GCC and clang print warnings when __DATE__, __TIME__, or __TIMESTAMP__ are used. Having the flag set by default would prompt maintainers to remove these source of unreproducibility from the sources. Packages fixed The following packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: bmake, cyrus-imapd-2.4, drobo-utils, eigenbase-farrago, fhist, fstrcmp, git-dpm, intercal, libexplain, libtemplates-parser, mcl, openimageio, pcal, powstatd, ruby-aggregate, ruby-archive-tar-minitar, ruby-bert, ruby-dbd-odbc, ruby-dbd-pg, ruby-extendmatrix, ruby-rack-mobile-detect, ruby-remcached, ruby-stomp, ruby-test-declarative, ruby-wirble, vtprint. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: The fifth and sixth armhf build nodes have been set up, resulting in five more builder jobs for armhf. More than 10,000 packages have now been identified as reproducible with the reproducible toolchain on armhf. (Vagrant Cascadian, h01ger) Helmut Grohne and Mattia Rizzolo now have root access on all 12 build nodes used by and (h01ger) is now linked from all package pages and the dashboard. (h01ger) profitbricks-build5-amd64 and profitbricks-build6-amd64, responsible for running amd64 tests now run 398.26 days in the future. This means that one of the two builds that are being compared will be run on a different minute, hour, day, month, and year. This is not yet the case for armhf. FreeBSD tests are also done with 398.26 days difference. (h01ger) The design of the Arch Linux test page has been greatly improved. (Levente Polyak) diffoscope development Three releases of diffoscope happened this week numbered 39 to 41. It includes support for EPUB files (Reiner Herrmann) and Free Pascal unit files, usually having .ppu as extension (Paul Gevers). The rest of the changes were mostly targetting at making it easier to run diffoscope on other systems. The tlsh, rpm, and debian modules are now all optional. The test suite will properly skip tests that need optional tools or modules when they are not available. As a result, diffosope is now available on PyPI and thanks to the work of Levente Polyak in Arch Linux. Getting these versions in Debian was a bit cumbersome. Version 39 was uploaded with an expired key (according to the keyring on which will hopefully be updated soon) which is currently handled by keeping the files in the queue without REJECTing them. This prevented any other Debian Developpers to upload the same version. Version 40 was uploaded as a source-only upload but failed to build from source which had the undesirable side effect of removing the previous version from unstable. The package faild to build from source because it was built passing -I to debbuild. This excluded the ELF object files and static archives used by the test suite from the archive, preventing the test suite to work correctly. Hopefully, in a nearby future it will be possible to implement a sanity check to prevent such mistakes in the future. It has also been identified that ppudump outputs time in the system timezone without considering the TZ environment variable. Zachary Vance and Paul Gevers raised the issue on the appropriate channels. strip-nondeterminism development Chris Lamb released strip-nondeterminism version 0.014-1 which disables stripping Mono binaries as it is too aggressive and the source of the problem is being worked on by Mono upstream. Package reviews 133 reviews have been removed, 115 added and 103 updated this week. Chris West and Chris Lamb reported 57 new FTBFS bugs. Misc. The video of h01ger and Chris Lamb's talk at MiniDebConf Cambridge is now available. h01ger gave a talk at CCC Hamburg on November 13th, which was well received and sparked some interest among Gentoo folks. Slides and video should be available shortly. Frederick Kautz has started to revive Dhiru Kholia's work on testing Fedora packages. Your editor wish to once again thank #debian-reproducible regulars for reviewing these reports weeks after weeks.

25 October 2015

Johannes Schauer: unshare without superuser privileges

TLDR: With the help of Helmut Grohne I finally figured out most of the bits necessary to unshare everything without becoming root (though one might say that this is still cheated because the suid root tools newuidmap and newgidmap are used). I wrote a Perl script which documents how this is done in practice. This script is nearly equivalent to using the existing commands lxc-usernsexec [opts] -- unshare [opts] -- COMMAND except that these two together cannot be used to mount a new proc. Apart from this problem, this Perl script might also be useful by itself because it is architecture independent and easily inspectable for the curious mind without resorting to (it is heavily documented at nearly 2 lines of comments per line of code on average). It can be retrieved here at Long story: Nearly two years after my last last rant about everything needing superuser privileges in Linux, I'm still interested in techniques that let me do more things without becoming root. Helmut Grohne had told me for a while about unshare(), or user namespaces as the right way to have things like chroot without root. There are also reports of LXC containers working without root privileges but they are hard to come by. A couple of days ago I had some time again, so Helmut helped me to get through the major blockers that were so far stopping me from using unshare in a meaningful way without executing everything with sudo. My main motivation at that point was to let dpkg-buildpackage when executed by sbuild be run with an unshared network namespace and thus without network access (except for the loopback interface) because like pbuilder I wanted sbuild to enforce the rule not to access any remote resources during the build. After several evenings of investigating and doctoring at the Perl script I mentioned initially, I came to the conclusion that the only place that can unshare the network namespace without disrupting anything is schroot itself. This is because unsharing inside the chroot will fail because dpkg-buildpackage is run with non-root privileges and thus the user namespace has to be unshared. But this then will destroy all ownership information. But even if that wasn't the case, the chroot itself is unlikely to have (and also should not) tools like ip or newuidmap and newgidmap installed. Unsharing the schroot call itself also will not work. Again we first need to unshare the user namespace and then schroot will complain about wrong ownership of its configuration file /etc/schroot/schroot.conf. Luckily, when contacting Roger Leigh about this wishlist feature in bug#802849 I was told that this was already implemented in its git master \o/. So this particular problem seems to be taken care of and once the next schroot release happens, sbuild will make use of it and have unshare --net capabilities just like pbuilder already had since last year. With the sbuild case taken care of, the rest of this post will introduce the Perl script I wrote. The name user-unshare is really arbitrary. I just needed some identifier for the git repository and a filename. The most important discovery I made was, that Debian disables unprivileged user namespaces by default with the patch add-sysctl-to-disallow-unprivileged-CLONE_NEWUSER-by-default.patch to the Linux kernel. To enable it, one has to first either do
echo 1   sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/unprivileged_userns_clone > /dev/null
sudo sysctl -w kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1
The tool tries to be like unshare(1) but with the power of lxc-usernsexec(1) to map more than one id into the new user namespace by using the programs newgidmap and newuidmap. Or in other words: This tool tries to be like lxc-usernsexec(1) but with the power of unshare(1) to unshare more than just the user and mount namespaces. It is nearly equal to calling:
lxc-usernsexec [opts] -- unshare [opts] -- COMMAND
Its main reason of existence are: I hoped that systemd-nspawn could do what I wanted but it seems that its requirement for being run as root will not change any time soon Another tool in Debian that offers to do chroot without superuser privileges is linux-user-chroot but that one cheats by being suid root. Had I found lxc-usernsexec earlier I would've probably not written this. But after I found it I happily used it to get an even better understanding of the matter and further improve the comments in my code. I started writing my own tool in Perl because that's the language sbuild was written in and as mentioned initially, I intended to use this script with sbuild. Now that the sbuild problem is taken care of, this is not so important anymore but I like if I can read the code of simple programs I run directly from /usr/bin without having to retrieve the source code first or use The only thing I wasn't able to figure out is how to properly mount proc into my new mount namespace. I found a workaround that works by first mounting a new proc to /proc and then bind-mounting /proc to whatever new location for proc is requested. I didn't figure out how to do this without mounting to /proc first partly also because this doesn't work at all when using lxc-usernsexec and unshare together. In this respect, this perl script is a bit more powerful than those two tools together. I suppose that the reason is that unshare wasn't written with having being called without superuser privileges in mind. If you have an idea what could be wrong, the code has a big FIXME about this issue. Finally, here a demonstration of what my script can do. Because of the /proc bug, lxc-usernsexec and unshare together are not able to do this but it might also be that I'm just not using these tools in the right way. The following will give you an interactive shell in an environment created from one of my sbuild chroot tarballs:
$ mkdir -p /tmp/buildroot/proc
$ ./user-unshare --mount-proc=/tmp/buildroot/proc --ipc --pid --net \
    --uts --mount --fork -- sh -c 'ip link set lo up && ip addr && \
    hostname hoothoot-chroot && \
    tar -C /tmp/buildroot -xf /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64.tar.gz; \
    /usr/sbin/chroot /tmp/buildroot /sbin/runuser -s /bin/bash - josch && \
    umount /tmp/buildroot/proc && rm -rf /tmp/buildroot'
(unstable-amd64-sbuild)josch@hoothoot-chroot:/$ whoami
(unstable-amd64-sbuild)josch@hoothoot-chroot:/$ hostname
(unstable-amd64-sbuild)josch@hoothoot-chroot:/$ ls -lha /proc   head
total 0
dr-xr-xr-x 218 nobody nogroup    0 Oct 25 19:06 .
drwxr-xr-x  22 root   root     440 Oct  1 08:42 ..
dr-xr-xr-x   9 root   root       0 Oct 25 19:06 1
dr-xr-xr-x   9 josch  josch      0 Oct 25 19:06 15
dr-xr-xr-x   9 josch  josch      0 Oct 25 19:06 16
dr-xr-xr-x   9 root   root       0 Oct 25 19:06 7
dr-xr-xr-x   9 josch  josch      0 Oct 25 19:06 8
dr-xr-xr-x   4 nobody nogroup    0 Oct 25 19:06 acpi
dr-xr-xr-x   6 nobody nogroup    0 Oct 25 19:06 asound
Of course instead of running this long command we can also instead write a small shell script and execute that instead. The following does the same things as the long command above but adds some comments for further explanation:

set -exu

# I'm using /tmp because I have it mounted as a tmpfs

# bring the loopback interface up
ip link set lo up

# show that the loopback interface is really up
ip addr

# make use of the UTS namespace being unshared
hostname hoothoot-chroot

# extract the chroot tarball. This must be done inside the user namespace for
# the file permissions to be correct.
# tar will fail to call mknod and to change the permissions of /proc but we are
# ignoring that
tar -C "$rootdir" -xf /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64.tar.gz true

# run chroot and inside, immediately drop permissions to the user "josch" and
# start an interactive shell
/usr/sbin/chroot "$rootdir" /sbin/runuser -s /bin/bash - josch

# unmount /proc and remove the temporary directory
umount "$rootdir/proc"
rm -rf "$rootdir"
and then:
$ mkdir -p /tmp/buildroot/proc
$ ./user-unshare --mount-proc=/tmp/buildroot/proc --ipc --pid --net --uts --mount --fork -- ./
As mentioned in the beginning, the tool is nearly equivalent to calling lxc-usernsexec [opts] -- unshare [opts] -- COMMAND but because of the problem with mounting proc (mentioned earlier), lxc-usernsexec and unshare cannot be used with above example. If one tries anyways one will only get:
$ lxc-usernsexec -m b:0:1000:1 -m b:1:558752:1 -- unshare --mount-proc=/tmp/buildroot/proc --ipc --pid --net --uts --mount --fork -- ./
unshare: mount /tmp/buildroot/proc failed: Invalid argument
I'd be interested in finding out why that is and how to fix it.

16 October 2015

Norbert Preining: Debian/TeX Live multiarch update

A big update of all related packages (tex-common 6.04, texlive-bin 2015.20150524.37493-7, texlive-base/lang/extra package 2015.20151016-1) due to the move to support multi-arch. Of course, the regular updates of the TeX Live are included, too. With this change it should be possible to run a multi-arch system with only one TeX Live installed. Debian - TeX Live 2015 Thanks to the excellent support and testing of the Multi-arch guys, in particular Thorsten Glaser, Helmut Grohne, Johannes Schauer, and Wookey, I learned a lot about multi-arch, and I hope that the current setup is safe. All the packages but the various lib* packages are tagged as Multi-Arch: foreign, while the lib packages are tagged Multi-Arch: same. Anyway, if you find a bug concerning multi-arch, that is that some of the programs exhibit architecture information, please let us know via a bug report. Updated packages acro, alegreya, amiri, assoccnt, attachfile, babel-french, babel-hungarian, barr, beebe, biblatex-philosophy, bidi, bnumexpr, caption, chemfig, chemformula, chemmacros, cjk-gs-integrate, csplain, dantelogo, dataref, dtxgen, dvipdfmx-def, dvips, eledmac, elements, fcolumn, fithesis, fontspec, genealogytree, gradstudentresume, gtl, jfontmaps, knuth-local, koma-script, kotex-oblivoir, kotex-plain, kotex-utf, kpathsea, l3build, l3experimental, l3kernel, l3packages, latex, latexconfig, ledmac, ltxfileinfo, lualatex-math, luamplib, luatex, luatexbase, luatexja, luatexko, make4ht, mcf2graph, mflogo, modiagram, multiexpand, newtx, odsfile, old-arrows, paracol, pdfpages, pdftex, plain, pst-stru, pxchfon, randomwalk, reledmac, resumecls, rubik, selnolig, showhyphens, siunitx, suftesi, tetex, teubner, tex4ebook, tex4ht, texlive-scripts, tikzsymbols, tipfr, tools, tudscr, uassign, unicode-math, unravel, visualfaq, xepersian, xetex-def, xint. New packages archaeologie, ctablestack, dynamicnumber, exercises, fibeamer, h2020proposal, imfellenglish, lstbayes, tempora, xellipsis. Enjoy.

29 June 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 9 in Stretch cycle

What happened about the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Norbert Preining uploaded texinfo/6.0.0.dfsg.1-2 which makes texinfo indices reproducible. Original patch by Chris Lamb. Lunar submitted recently rebased patches to make the file order of files inside .deb stable. akira filled #789843 to make tex4ht stop printing timestamps in its HTML output by default. Dhole wrote a patch for xutils-dev to prevent timestamps when creating gzip compresed files. Reiner Herrmann sent a follow-up patch for wheel to use UTC as timezone when outputing timestamps. Mattia Rizzolo started a discussion regarding the failure to build from source of subversion when -Wdate-time is added to CPPFLAGS which happens when asking dpkg-buildflags to use the reproducible profile. SWIG errors out because it doesn't recognize the aforementioned flag. Trying to get the .buildinfo specification to more definitive state, Lunar started a discussion on storing the checksums of the binary package used in dpkg status database. akira discovered while proposing a fix for simgrid that CMake internal command to create tarballs would record a timestamp in the gzip header. A way to prevent it is to use the GZIP environment variable to ask gzip not to store timestamps, but this will soon become unsupported. It's up for discussion if the best place to fix the problem would be to fix it for all CMake users at once. Infrastructure-related work Andreas Henriksson did a delayed NMU upload of pbuilder which adds minimal support for build profiles and includes several fixes from Mattia Rizzolo affecting reproducibility tests. Neils Thykier uploaded lintian which both raises the severity of package-contains-timestamped-gzip and avoids false positives for this tag (thanks to Tomasz Buchert). Petter Reinholdtsen filled #789761 suggesting that how-can-i-help should prompt its users about fixing reproducibility issues. Packages fixed The following packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: autorun4linuxcd, libwildmagic, lifelines, plexus-i18n, texlive-base, texlive-extra, texlive-lang. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Untested uploaded as they are not in main: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: debbindiff development debbindiff/23 includes a few bugfixes by Helmut Grohne that result in a significant speedup (especially on larger files). It used to exhibit the quadratic time string concatenation antipattern. Version 24 was released on June 23rd in a hurry to fix an undefined variable introduced in the previous version. (Reiner Herrmann) debbindiff now has a test suite! It is written using the PyTest framework (thanks Isis Lovecruft for the suggestion). The current focus has been on the comparators, and we are now at 93% of code coverage for these modules. Several problems were identified and fixed in the process: paths appearing in output of javap, readelf, objdump, zipinfo, unsqusahfs; useless MD5 checksum and last modified date in javap output; bad handling of charsets in PO files; the destination path for gzip compressed files not ending in .gz; only metadata of cpio archives were actually compared. stat output was further trimmed to make directory comparison more useful. Having the test suite enabled a refactoring of how comparators were written, switching from a forest of differences to a single tree. This helped removing dust from the oldest parts of the code. Together with some other small changes, version 25 was released on June 27th. A follow up release was made the next day to fix a hole in the test suite and the resulting unidentified leftover from the comparator refactoring. (Lunar) Documentation update Ximin Luo improved code examples for some proposed environment variables for reference timestamps. Dhole added an example on how to fix timestamps C pre-processor macros by adding a way to set the build date externally. akira documented her fix for tex4ht timestamps. Package reviews 94 obsolete reviews have been removed, 330 added and 153 updated this week. Hats off for Chris West (Faux) who investigated many fail to build from source issues and reported the relevant bugs. Slight improvements were made to the scripts for editing the review database, edit-notes and clean-notes. (Mattia Rizzolo) Meetings A meeting was held on June 23rd. Minutes are available. The next meeting will happen on Tuesday 2015-07-07 at 17:00 UTC. Misc. The Linux Foundation announced that it was funding the work of Lunar and h01ger on reproducible builds in Debian and other distributions. This was further relayed in a Bits from Debian blog post.

4 May 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: first week in Stretch cycle

Debian Jessie has been released on April 25th, 2015. This has opened the Stretch development cycle. Reactions to the idea of making Debian build reproducibly have been pretty enthusiastic. As the pace is now likely to be even faster, let's see if we can keep everyone up-to-date on the developments. Before the release of Jessie The story goes back a long way but a formal announcement to the project has only been sent in February 2015. Since then, too much work has happened to make a complete report, but to give some highlights: Lunar did a pretty improvised lightning talk during the Mini-DebConf in Lyon. This past week It seems changes were pilling behind the curtains given the amount of activity that happened in just one week. Toolchain fixes We also rebased the experimental version of debhelper twice to merge the latest set of changes. Lunar submitted a patch to add a -creation-date to genisoimage. Reiner Herrmann opened #783938 to request making -notimestamp the default behavior for javadoc. Juan Picca submitted a patch to add a --use-date flag to texi2html. Packages fixed The following packages became reproducible due to changes of their build dependencies: apport, batctl, cil, commons-math3, devscripts, disruptor, ehcache, ftphs, gtk2hs-buildtools, haskell-abstract-deque, haskell-abstract-par, haskell-acid-state, haskell-adjunctions, haskell-aeson, haskell-aeson-pretty, haskell-alut, haskell-ansi-terminal, haskell-async, haskell-attoparsec, haskell-augeas, haskell-auto-update, haskell-binary-conduit, haskell-hscurses, jsch, ledgersmb, libapache2-mod-auth-mellon, libarchive-tar-wrapper-perl, libbusiness-onlinepayment-payflowpro-perl, libcapture-tiny-perl, libchi-perl, libcommons-codec-java, libconfig-model-itself-perl, libconfig-model-tester-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcrypt-unixcrypt-perl, libdatetime-timezone-perl, libdbd-firebird-perl, libdbix-class-resultset-recursiveupdate-perl, libdbix-profile-perl, libdevel-cover-perl, libdevel-ptkdb-perl, libfile-tail-perl, libfinance-quote-perl, libformat-human-bytes-perl, libgtk2-perl, libhibernate-validator-java, libimage-exiftool-perl, libjson-perl, liblinux-prctl-perl, liblog-any-perl, libmail-imapclient-perl, libmocked-perl, libmodule-build-xsutil-perl, libmodule-extractuse-perl, libmodule-signature-perl, libmoosex-simpleconfig-perl, libmoox-handlesvia-perl, libnet-frame-layer-ipv6-perl, libnet-openssh-perl, libnumber-format-perl, libobject-id-perl, libpackage-pkg-perl, libpdf-fdf-simple-perl, libpod-webserver-perl, libpoe-component-pubsub-perl, libregexp-grammars-perl, libreply-perl, libscalar-defer-perl, libsereal-encoder-perl, libspreadsheet-read-perl, libspring-java, libsql-abstract-more-perl, libsvn-class-perl, libtemplate-plugin-gravatar-perl, libterm-progressbar-perl, libterm-shellui-perl, libtest-dir-perl, libtest-log4perl-perl, libtext-context-eitherside-perl, libtime-warp-perl, libtree-simple-perl, libwww-shorten-simple-perl, libwx-perl-processstream-perl, libxml-filter-xslt-perl, libxml-writer-string-perl, libyaml-tiny-perl, mupen64plus-core, nmap, openssl, pkg-perl-tools, quodlibet, r-cran-rjags, r-cran-rjson, r-cran-sn, r-cran-statmod, ruby-nokogiri, sezpoz, skksearch, slurm-llnl, stellarium. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which did not make their way to the archive yet: Improvements to Mattia Rizzolo has been working on compressing logs using gzip to save disk space. The web server would uncompress them on-the-fly for clients which does not accept gzip content. Mattia Rizzolo worked on a new page listing various breakage: missing or bad debbindiff output, missing build logs, unavailable build dependencies. Holger Levsen added a new execution environment to run debbindiff using dependencies from testing. This is required for packages built with GHC as the compiler only understands interfaces built by the same version. debbindiff development Version 17 has been uploaded to unstable. It now supports comparing ISO9660 images, dictzip files and should compare identical files much faster. Documentation update Various small updates and fixes to the pages about PDF produced by LaTeX, DVI produced by LaTeX, static libraries, Javadoc, PE binaries, and Epydoc. Package reviews Known issues have been tagged when known to be deterministic as some might unfortunately not show up on every single build. For example, two new issues have been identified by building with one timezone in April and one in May. RD and help2man add current month and year to the documentation they are producing. 1162 packages have been removed and 774 have been added in the past week. Most of them are the work of proper automated investigation done by Chris West. Summer of code Finally, we learned that both akira and Dhole were accepted for this Google Summer of Code. Let's welcome them! They have until May 25th before coding officialy begins. Now is the good time to help them feel more comfortable by sharing all these little bits of knowledge on how Debian works.

15 January 2015

Lunar: 80%

Unfortunately I could not go on stage at the 31st Chaos Communication Congress to present reproducible builds in Debian alongside Mike Perry from the Tor Project and Seth Schoen from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. I've tried to make it up for it, though and we have made amazing progress. Wiki reorganization What was a massive and frightening wiki page now looks really more welcoming: Screenshot of ReproducibleBuilds on Debian wiki Depending on what one is looking for, it should be much easier to find. There's now a high-level status overview given on the landing page, maintainers can learn how to make their packages reproducible, enthusiasts can more easily find what can help the project, and we have even started writing some history. .buildinfo for all packages New year's eve saw me hacking Perl to write dpkg-genbuildinfo. Similar to dpkg-genchanges, it's run by dpkg-buildpackage to produce .buildinfo control files. This is where the build environment, and hash of source and binary packages are recorded. This script, integrated with dpkg, replace the previous debhelper interim solution written by Niko Tyni. We used to fix mtimes in control.tar and data.tar using a specific addition to debhelper named dh_fixmtimes. To better support the ALWAYS_EXCLUDE environment variable and for pragramtic reasons, we moved the process in dh_builddeb. Both changes were quickly pushed to our continuous integration platform. Before, only packages using dh would create a .buildinfo and thus eventually be considered reproducible. With these modifications, many more packages had their chance and this shows: Growing amount of packages considered reproducible Yes, with our experimental toolchain we are now at more than eighty percent! That's more than 17200 source packages! srebuild Another big item on the todo-list was crossed over by Johannes Schauer. srebuild is a wrapper around sbuild:
Given a .buildinfo file, it first finds a timestamp of Debian Sid from which contains the requested packages in their exact versions. It then runs sbuild with the right architecture as given by the .buildinfo file and the right base system to upgrade from, as given by the version of the base-files package version in the .buildinfo file. Using two hooks it will install the right package versions and verify that the installed packages are in the right version before the build starts.
Understanding problems Over 1700 packages have now been reviewed to understand why build results could not be reproduced on our experimental platform. The variations between the two builds are currently limited to time and file ordering, but this still has uncovered many problems. There are still toolchain fixes to be made (more than 180 packages for the PHP registry) which can make many packages reproducible at once, but others like C pre-processor macros will require many individual changes. debbindiff, the main tool used to understand differences, has gained support for .udeb, TrueType and OpenType fonts, PNG and PDF files. It's less likely to crash on problems with encoding or external tool. But most importantly for large package, it has been made a lot faster, thanks to Reiner Herrmann and Helmut Grohne. Helmut has also been able to spot cross-compilation issues by using debbindiff! Targeting our efforts It gives warm fuzzy feelings to hit the 80% mark, but it would be a bit irrelevant if this would not concern packages that matter. Thankfully, Holger worked on producing statistics for more specific package sets. Mattia Rizzolo has also done great work to improve the scripts generating the various pages visible on All essential and build-esential packages, except gcc and bash, are considered reproducible or have patches ready. After some lengthy builds, I also managed to come up with a patch to make linux build reproducibly. Miscellaneous After my initial attempt to modify r-base to remove a timestamp in R packages, Dirk Eddelbuettel discussed the issue with upstream and came up with a better patch. The latter has already been merged upstream! Dirk's solution is to allow timestamps to be set using an external environment variable. This is also how I modified FontForge to make it possible to reproduce fonts. Identifiers generated by xsltproc have also been an issue. After reviewing my initial patch, Andrew Awyer came up with a much nicer solution. Its potential performance implications need to be evaluated before submission, though. Chris West has been working on packages built with Maven amongst other things. PDF generated by GhostScript, another painful source of troubles, is being worked on by Peter De Wachter. Holger got X.509 certificates signed by the CA cartel for and No more scary security messages now. Let's hope next year we will be able to get certificates through Let's Encrypt! Let's make a difference together As you can imagine with all that happened in the past weeks, the #debian-reproducible IRC channel has been a cool place to hang out. It's very energizing to get together and share contributions, exchange tips and discuss hardest points. Mandatory quote:
* h01ger is very happy to see again and again how this is a nice
         learning circle...! i've learned a whole lot here too... in
         just 3 months... and its going on...!
Reproducible builds are not going to change anything for most of our users. They simply don't care how they get software on their computer. But they care to get the right software without having to worry about it. That's our responsibility, as developers. Enabling users to trust their software is important and a major contribution, we as Debian, can make to the wider free software movement. Once Jessie is released, we should make a collective effort to make reproducible builds an highlight of our next release.

7 November 2014

Johannes Schauer: automatically suspending cpu hungry applications

TLDR: Using the awesome window manager: how to automatically send SIGSTOP and SIGCONT to application windows when they get unfocused or focused, respectively, to let the application not waste CPU cycles when not in use. I don't require any fancy looking GUI, so my desktop runs no full-blown desktop environment like Gnome or KDE but instead only awesome as a light-weight window manager. Usually, the only application windows I have open are rxvt-unicode as my terminal emulator and firefox/iceweasel with the pentadactyl extension as my browser. Thus, I would expect that CPU usage of my idle system would be pretty much zero but instead firefox decides to constantly eat 10-15%. Probably to update some GIF animations or JavaScript (or nowadays even HTML5 video animations). But I don't need it to do that when I'm not currently looking at my browser window. Disabling all JavaScript is no option because some websites that I need for uni or work are just completely broken without JavaScript, so I have to enable it for those websites. Solution: send SIGSTOP when my firefox window looses focus and send SIGCONT once it gains focus again. The following addition to my /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua does the trick:
local capi =   timer = timer  
client.add_signal("focus", function(c)
if c.class == "Iceweasel" then
awful.util.spawn("kill -CONT " ..
client.add_signal("unfocus", function(c)
if c.class == "Iceweasel" then
local timer_stop = capi.timer timeout = 10
local send_sigstop = function ()
if ~= then
awful.util.spawn("kill -STOP " ..
timer_stop:add_signal("timeout", send_sigstop)
Since I'm running Debian, the class is "Iceweasel" and not "Firefox". When the window gains focus, a SIGCONT is sent immediately. I'm executing kill because I don't know how to send UNIX signals from lua directly. When the window looses focus, then the SIGSTOP signal is only sent after a 10 second timeout. This is done for several reasons: With this change, when I now open htop, the process consuming most CPU resources is htop itself. Success! Another cool advantage is, that firefox can now be moved completely into swap space in case I run otherwise memory hungry applications without ever requiring any memory from swap until I really use it again. I haven't encountered any disadvantages of this setup yet. If 10 seconds prove to be too short to copy and paste I can easily extend this delay. Even clicking on links in my terminal works flawlessly - the new tab will just only load once firefox gets focused again. EDIT: thanks to Helmut Grohne for suggesting to compare the pid instead of the raw client instance to prevent misbehaviour when firefox opens additional windows like the preferences dialog.

26 September 2014

Holger Levsen: 20140925-reproducible-builds

Reproducible builds? I never did any - manually :) I've never done a reproducible build attempt of any package, manually, ever. But what I've done now is setting up reproducible builds on which will build hundreds or thousands of packages, hopefully reproducibly, regularily in the future. Thanks to Lunar's and many other peoples work, this was actually rather easy. If you want to do this manually, it should take you just a few minutes to setup a suitable build environment. So three days ago when I wasn't exactly bored I decided that it was a good moment to implement some reproducible build jobs on jenkins.d.n, and so I gave it a try and two hours later the basic implementation was working, and then it was an evening and morning of fine tuning until I was mostly satisfied. Since then there has been some polishing, but the basic setup is done and has been working since. What's the result? One job, reproducible_setup will just create a suitable environment for pbuilding reproducible packages as documented so well on the Debian wiki. And as that job runs 3.5 minutes only (to debootstrap from scratch), it's run daily. And then there are currently 16 other jobs, which test reproducible builds in different areas: d-i, core, some six major desktops and some selected desktop applications, some security + privacy related packages, some build chains we have in Debian, libreoffice and Most of these jobs run several hours, but luckily not days. And they discover packages which still fail to build reproducibly, which already has caused some bugs to be filed, eg. #762732 "libdebian-installer: please do not write timestamps in Doxygen generated documentation". So this is the output from testing the reproducibilty of all debian-installer packages: 72 packages were successfully built reproducibly, while 6 packages failed to do so. I was quite impressed by these numbers as AFAIK noone tried to build d-i reproducibly before.
72 packages successfully built reproducibly: userdevfs user-setup usb-discover udpkg tzsetup rootskel rootskel-gtk rescue preseed pkgsel partman-xfs partman-target partman-partitioning partman-nbd partman-multipath partman-md partman-lvm partman-jfs partman-iscsi partman-ext3 partman-efi partman-crypto partman-btrfs partman-basicmethods partman-basicfilesystems partman-base partman-auto partman-auto-raid partman-auto-lvm partman-auto-crypto partconf os-prober oldsys-preseed nobootloader network-console netcfg net-retriever mountmedia mklibs media-retriever mdcfg main-menu lvmcfg lowmem localechooser live-installer lilo-installer kickseed kernel-wedge kbd-chooser iso-scan installation-report installation-locale hw-detect grub-installer finish-install efi-reader dh-di debian-installer-utils debian-installer-netboot-images debian-installer-launcher clock-setup choose-mirror cdrom-retriever cdrom-detect cdrom-checker cdebconf-terminal cdebconf-entropy bterm-unifont base-installer apt-setup anna 
6 packages failed to built reproducibly: win32-loader libdebian-installer debootstrap console-setup cdebconf busybox 
What's also impressive: all packages for the newly introduced Cinnamon Desktop build reproducibly from the start! The jenkins setup is configured via just three small files: That's it and that's enough to keep several cores busy for days. :-) But as each job only takes a few hours each is scheduled twice a month and more jobs and packages shall be added in future (with some heuristics to schedule known good packages less often...) I guess it's an appropriate opportunity to say "many thanks to Profitbricks", who have been donating the powerful virtual machine is running on since October 2012. I also want to say "many many thanks to Helmut" (Grohne) who has recently joined me in maintaining this jenkins setup. And then I'd like to thank "the KGB trio" (Gregor, Tincho and Dam!) for providing those KGB bots on IRC, which are very helpful for providing notifications on IRC channels and last but not least thanks to everybody who contributed so that reproducible builds got this far! Keep up the jolly good work! And If you happen to know failing packages not included in job-cfg/reproducible.yaml I'd like to hear about those, so they'll get regularily tested and appear on the radar, until finally bugs are filed, fixed and migrated to stable. So one day all binary packages in Debian stable will be build reproducibly. An important step on this road is probably to have this defined as an release goal for Jessie+1. And then for jessie+1 hopefully the first 10k packages will build reproducibly? Or whooping 23k maybe? ;-) And maybe release jessie+2 with 100%?!? We will see! Even Jessie already has quite some packages (someone needs to count them...) which build reproducibly with just modified dpkg(-dev) and debhelper packages alone... So let's fix all the bugs! That said, an easier start for most of you is probably the list of useful things you (yes, you!) can do! :-) Oh, and last but surely not least in my book: many thanks too to the nice people hosting me so friendly in the last days! Keep on rockin'!

5 June 2014

Johannes Schauer: botch updates

My last update about ongoing development of botch, the bootstrap/build ordering tool chain, was four months ago and about several incremental updates. This post will be of similar nature. The most interesting news is probably the additional data that now provides. This is listed in the next section. All subsequent sections then list the changes under the hood that made the additions to possible. The service used to have botch as a git submodule but now runs botch from its Debian package. This at least proves that the botch Debian package is mature enough to do useful stuff with it. In addition to the bootstrapping results by architecture, now also hosts the following additional services: Further improvements concern how dependency cycles are now presented in the html overviews. While before, vertices in a cycle where separated by commas as if they were simple package lists, vertices are now connected by unicode arrows. Dashed arrows indicate build dependencies while solid arrows indicate builds-from relationships. For what it's worth, installation set vertices now contain their installation set in their title attribute.

Debian package Botch has long depended on features of an unreleased version of dose3 which in turn depended on an unrelease version of libcudf. Both projects have recently made new releases so that I was now able to drop the dose3 git submodule and rely on the host system's dose3 version instead. This also made it possible to create a Debian package of botch which currently sits at Debian mentors. Writing the package also finally made me create a usable install target in the Makefile as well as adding stubs for the manpages of the 44 applications that botch currently ships. The actual content of these manpages still has to be written. The only documentation botch currently ships in the botch-doc package is an offline version of the wiki on gitorious. The new page ExamplesGraphs even includes pictures.

Cross By default, botch analyzes the native bootstrapping phase. That is, assume that the initial set of Essential:yes and build-essential packages magically exists and find out how to bootstrap the rest from there through native compilation. But part of the bootstrapping problem is also to create the set of Essential:yes and build-essential packages from nothing via cross compilation. Botch is unable to analyze the cross phase because too many packages cannot satisfy their crossbuild dependencies due to multiarch conflicts. This problem is only about the dependency metadata and not about whether a given source package actually crosscompiles fine in practice. Helmut Grohne has done great work with rebootstrap which is regularly run by He convinced me that we need an overview of what packages are blocking the analysis of the cross case and that it was useful to have a crossbuild order even if that was a fake order just to have a rough overview of the current situation in Debian Sid. I wrote a couple of scripts which would run dose-builddebcheck on a repository, analyze which packages fail to satisfy their crossbuild dependencies and why, fix those cases by adjusting package metadata accordingly and repeat until all relevant source packages satisfy their crossbuild dependencies. The result of this can then be used to identify the packages that need to be modified as well as to generate a crossbuild order. The fixes to the metadata are done in an automatic fashion and do not necessarily reflect the real fix that would solve the problem. Nevertheless, I ended up agreeing that it is better to have a slightly wrong overview than no overview at all.

Minimizing the dependency graph size Installation sets in the dependency graph are calculated independent from each other. If two binary packages provide A, then dependencies on A in different installation sets might choose different binary packages as providers of A. The same holds for disjunctive dependencies. If a package depends on A C and another package depends on C A then there is no coordination to choose C so to minimize the overall amount of vertices in the graph. I implemented two methods to minimize the impact of cases where the dependency solver has multiple options to satisfy a dependency through Provides and dependency disjunctions. The first method is inspired by Helmut Grohne. An algorithm goes through all disjunctive binary dependencies and removes all virtual packages, leaving only real packages. Of the remaining real packages, the first one is selected. For build dependencies, the algorithm drops all but the first package in every disjunction. This is also what sbuild does. Unfortunately this solution produces an unsatisfiable dependency situation in most cases. This is because oftentimes it is necessary to select the virtual disjunctive dependency because of a conflict relationship introduced by another package. The second method involves aspcud, a cudf solver which can optimize a solution by a criteria. This solution is based on an idea by Pietro Abate who implemented the basis for this idea back in 2012. In contrast to a usual cudf problem, binary packages now also depend on the source packages they build from. If we now ask aspcud to find an installation set for one of the base source packages (I chose src:build-essential) then it will return an installation set that includes source packages. As an optimization criteria the number of source packages in the installation set is minimized. This solution would be flawless if there were no conflicts between binary packages. Due to conflicts not all binary packages that must be coinstallable for this strategy to work can be coinstalled. The quick and dirty solution is to remove all conflicts before passing the cudf universe to aspcud. But this also means that the solution does sometimes not work in practice.

Test cases Botch now finally has a test target in its Makefile. The test target tests two code paths of the script and the script. Running these two scripts covers testing most parts of botch. Given that I did lots of refactoring in the past weeks, the test cases greatly helped to assure that I didnt break anything in the process. I also added autopkgtests to the Debian packaging which test the same things as the test target but naturally run the installed version of botch instead. The autopkgtests were a great help in weeding out some lasts bugs which made botch depend on being executed from its source directory.

Python 3 Reading the suggestions in the Debian python policy I evaluated the possibility to use Python 3 for the Python scripts in botch. While I was at it I added transparent decompression for gzip, bz2 and xz based on the file magic, replaced python-apt with python-debian because of bug#748922 and added argparse argument parsing to all scripts. Unfortunately I had to find out that Python 3 support does not yet seem to be possible for botch for the following reasons:
  • no soap module for Python 3 in Debian (needed for bts access)
  • hash randomization is turned on by default in Python 3 and therefore the graph output of networkx is not deterministic anymore (bug#749710)
Thus I settled for changing the code such that it would be compatible with Python 2 as well as with Python 3. Because of the changed string handling and sys.stdout properties in Python 3 this proved to be tricky. On the other hand this showed me bugs in my code where I was wrongly relying on deterministic dictionary key traversal.

28 April 2014

Evgeni Golov: Debian Bug Squashing Party Salzburg 2014

bsp2014_small This weekend, Bernd Zeimetz organized a BSP at the offices of conova in Salzburg, Austria. Three days of discussions, bugfixes, sparc removals and a lot of fun and laughter. We squashed a total of 87 bugs: 66 bugs affecting Jessie/Sid were closed, 9 downgraded and 8 closed via removals. As people tend to care about (old)stable, 3 bugs were fixed in Wheezy and one in Squeeze. These numbers might be not totaly correct, as were kinda creative at counting Marga promised a talk about an introduction to properly counting bugs using the Haus vom Nikolaus algorithm to the base of 7 . IMG_20140427_182902 Speaking of numbers, I touched the following bugs (not all RC): A couple of (non-free) pictures are available at Uwe s Thanks again to Bernd for organizing and conova and credativ for sponsoring!

19 May 2013

Evgeni Golov: powerdyn a dynamic DNS service for PowerDNS users

You may not know this, but I am a huge PowerDNS fan. This may be because it is so simple to use, supports different databases as backends or maybe just because I do not like BIND, pick one. I also happen to live in Germany where ISPs usually do not give static IP-addresses to private customers. Unless you pay extra or limit yourself to a bunch of providers that do good service but rely on old (DSL) technology, limiting you to some 16MBit/s down and 1MBit/s up. Luckily my ISP does not force the IP-address change, but it does happen from time to time (once in a couple of month usually). To access the machine(s) at home while on a non-IPv6-capable connection, I have been using my old (old, old, old) account and pointing a CNAME from under to it. Some time ago, started supporting AAAA records in their zones and I was happy: no need to type to connect via v6 just let the application decide. Well, yes, almost. It s just resets the AAAA record when you update the A record with ddclient and there is currently no IPv6 support in any of the clients for Linux. So I end up with no AAAA record and am not as happy as I should be. Last Friday I got a mail from DynDNS:
Starting now, if you would like to maintain your free Dyn account, you must now log into your account once a month. Failure to do so will result in expiration and loss of your hostname. Note that using an update client will no longer suffice for this monthly login. You will still continue to get email alerts every 30 days if your email address is current.
Yes, thank you very much
Given that I have enough nameservers under my control and love hacking, I started writing an own dynamic DNS service. Actually you cannot call it a service. Or dynamic. But it s my own, and it does DNS: powerdyn. It is actually just a script, that can update DNS records in SQL (from which PowerDNS serves the zones). When you design such a service , you first think about user authentication and proper information transport. The machine that runs my PowerDNS database is reachable via SSH, so let s use SSH for that. You do not only get user authentication, server authentication and properly crypted data transport, you also do not have to try hard to find out the IP-address you want to update the hostname to, just use $SSH_CLIENT from your environment. If you expected further explanation what has to be done next: sorry, we re done. We have the user (or hostname) by looking at the SSH credentials, and we have the IP-address to update it to if the data in the database is outdated. The only thing missing is some execution daemon or cron(8). :) The machine at home has the following cron entry now:
*/5 * * * * ssh -4 -T -i /home/evgeni/.ssh/powerdyn_rsa
This connects to the machine with the database via v4 (my IPv6 address does not change) and that s all.
As an alternative, one can add the ssh call in /etc/network/if-up.d/, /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ or /etc/ppp/ipv6-up.d (depending on your setup) to be executed every time the connection goes up. The machine with the database has the following authorized_keys entry for the powerdyn user:
command="/home/powerdyn/powerdyn/powerdyn" ssh-rsa AAAA... evgeni@dorei
By forcing the command, the user has no way to get the database-credentials the script uses to write to the database and neither cannot update a different host. That seems secure enough for me. It won t scale for a setup as and the user-management sucks (you even have to create the entries in the database first, the script can only update them), but it works fine for me and I bet it would for others too :) Update: included suggestions by XX and Helmut from the comments.

4 May 2013

Ian Campbell: Taking over qcontrol upstream, releasing qcontrol 0.5.0

Taking over Qcontrol upstream When I took over the qcontrol package in Debian, back in October 2012, I was aware that upstream hadn't been active for quite a while (since late 2009). I figured that would be OK since the software was pretty simple and pretty much feature complete. Nevertheless since I've been maintaining the package I've had a small number of wishlist bugs (many with patches, thanks guys!) which are really upstream issues. While I could carry them as patches in the Debian package they would really be better taken care of by an upstream. With that in mind I mailed the previous upstream (and original author) Byron Bradley back in February to ask if he would mind if I took over as upstream. Unfortunately I haven't yet heard back, given how long upstream has been inactive for this isn't terribly surprising so having waited several months I have decided to just go ahead and take over upstream development. Thanks Byron for all your work on the project, I hope you don't mind me taking over. Since it is unlikely that I will be able to access the old website or Subversion repository I have converted the repository to git and uploaded it to gitorious: I don't expect I'll be doing an awful lot of proactive upstream development but at least now I have a hat I can put on when someone reports an "upstream" issue against qcontrol and somewhere which can accept upstream patches from myself and others. I'm still deciding what to do about a website etc. I may just enable the gitorious wiki or I may setup an ikiwiki software site type setup, which has the advantage of being a little more flexible and providing a neat way of dealing with bug reports without being too much overhead to setup up. In the meantime its been almost 5 years since the last release, so... New Release: qcontrol 0.5.0 This is a rollup of some changes which were made in the old upstream SVN repository but never released and some patches which had been made in the Debian packaging. What's here corresponds to the Debian 0.4.2+svn-r40-3 package. The 0.4.2 release was untagged in SVN, but corresponds to r14, new stuff since then includes: As well as the change of maintainer I think the addition of the daemon mode warrants the bump to 0.5.0. Get the new release from git or

2 December 2012

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2012/47-48

I was a bit busy (mostly in pleasant ways) during the last two weeks, so this reports covers a longer period of my RC bug activities:

